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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Paramore's rise has been the result of consistent hard work since Hayley first met Josh Farro (guitar, age 19) and his younger brother Zac (drums, age 16) while they were together in school four years ago. After adding Jeremy Davis (bass, age 22), Paramore was formed in 2004 and started playing their first shows.

Over the past two years, Paramore, the rapidly emerging pop-punk quintet from Tennessee, has been building a near-deafening 'next big thing' buzz. Driven by riveting live shows and the undeniable charisma of their frontwoman, 18-year-old Hayley Williams, they have captivated an increasingly rabid following. Confronted by the double-edged sword of overwhelming early praise, Paramore has risen to the challenge and recorded an album that happily delivers on all the claims made on their behalf. With their new Fueled By Ramen collection, 'RIOT!', they announce that they have the talent, the passion, and the songs to take themselves to the next level.

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