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Coldplay - Viva La Vida [Retail}  

Friday, June 13, 2008

It's be circulating the web since last week but not until now do we have a Retail rip of Coldplay's new album. They've been together for about 10 years now and have already gain worldwide success. Current single "Viva La Vida" is currently #3 on the Billboard Hot 100 thanks to the highly promoted iTunes commercial. As for the album with so much anticipation for the album they did not fail to my standards. They've always been criticised for some of their sensitive, heartfelt ballads & lyrics. But the boys aren't the type to let the critics get to them. They have regrouped, and worked out what made them great in the first place. And with the help of great producer Brian Eno they were able to craft a great album filled with marvelous layered songs. Whether it be a pumping bass drum or lush strings in the background each song was made just right. Deff check it out and BUY YOUR COPY JUNE 12TH (UK), 17TH (US)!!

1. Life In Technicolor
2. Cemeteries Of London
3. Lost!
4. 42
5. Lovers In Japan / Reign Of Love
6. Yes
7. Viva La Vida
8. Violet Hill
9. Strawberry Swing
10. Death And All His Friends / The Escapist
11. Lost?


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